Graphics Reference
Graphic functions can be used on the display, lights or images.
For example Graphics::fill() fills with one color. You can do the following:
- gb.display.fill() to fill the display with one color.
- gb.lights.fill() to set all the lights to the same color.
- myImage.fill() to fill your Image with one color.
You can use graphic functions directly to the screen and bypass the gb.display buffer by using gb.tft (not advised!).
Entries with an asterix (*) are not available for gb.tft.
- gb.createColor
- Images tutorial
- drawImage
- drawBitmap
- drawPixel
- getPixelColor (*)
- getPixelIndex (*)
- fill
- clear
- clearTextVars
- setColor
- setTransparentColor
- clearTransparentColor
- getBitmapPixel
- height
- width
- setPalette
- getPalette
- println
- printf
- drawChar
- setFontSize
- setTextWrap
- setFont
- setCursor
- setCursorX
- setCursorY
- getTextBounds
- getCursorX
- getCursorY
- getFontWidth
- getFontHeight
- drawLine
- drawFastVLine
- drawFastHLine
- drawRect
- fillRect
- drawCircle
- fillCircle
- drawTriangle
- fillTriangle
- drawRoundRect
- fillRoundRect
Frame Handling
- setFrame (*)
- startRecording (*)
- stopRecording (*)
- save (*)